Monday, June 23, 2014

Money Issues

So I know this generation theres not a lot of "Money Smart" People. Especially young adults in college. Well I am (hopefully) here to save the day. I have gotten a lot of people who tell me that I am really smart with my money (and others who say the opposite;)) So I am here to tell you how I manage my money but I must go over some disclaimers before I start:

1. I have a part time job so money is constantly coming in.
2. I am not a professional, I have no idea if these ideas actually work. These are just my opinions and my system that has worked for me.
3. I am not being sponsored by any of these links.

So, what I do is I collect about 6 of these envelopes and a couple of Colorful Post It Notes. I decide what I spend money on each month and usually put enough money in there for 3 months or more depending on the category:
-Food ($500)
-Starbucks ($1000)
-Dorm ($200)
-Phone ($200)
-Car ($1000)
-Gas ($120)
I plan way ahead just in case something happens (My car completely breaks down, My phone breaks, Etc.)

Then, I fill those envelopes up.
Each paycheck I get I refill each envelope (if I used any of it from the last fill up) and then I try and fill another envelope and then I usually keep $200 on my card for anything not in the categories. When I fill the envelope I write Done with a box next to it and I check the box (Just because it makes me feel accomplished)Throughout the month, if I know Im going to go and spend money I grab out of my envelopes.

I really hope this helps you guys!

If you have any questions please let me know.
Love, Megan

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