Monday, June 23, 2014

Money Issues

So I know this generation theres not a lot of "Money Smart" People. Especially young adults in college. Well I am (hopefully) here to save the day. I have gotten a lot of people who tell me that I am really smart with my money (and others who say the opposite;)) So I am here to tell you how I manage my money but I must go over some disclaimers before I start:

1. I have a part time job so money is constantly coming in.
2. I am not a professional, I have no idea if these ideas actually work. These are just my opinions and my system that has worked for me.
3. I am not being sponsored by any of these links.

So, what I do is I collect about 6 of these envelopes and a couple of Colorful Post It Notes. I decide what I spend money on each month and usually put enough money in there for 3 months or more depending on the category:
-Food ($500)
-Starbucks ($1000)
-Dorm ($200)
-Phone ($200)
-Car ($1000)
-Gas ($120)
I plan way ahead just in case something happens (My car completely breaks down, My phone breaks, Etc.)

Then, I fill those envelopes up.
Each paycheck I get I refill each envelope (if I used any of it from the last fill up) and then I try and fill another envelope and then I usually keep $200 on my card for anything not in the categories. When I fill the envelope I write Done with a box next to it and I check the box (Just because it makes me feel accomplished)Throughout the month, if I know Im going to go and spend money I grab out of my envelopes.

I really hope this helps you guys!

If you have any questions please let me know.
Love, Megan

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wow. Its been so long. Im here to update and save the day!!

I am officially in Nebraska. Most of you guys reading this are friends and family so you all know what happened. If not, go stalk my facebook and that will surely tell you:)

Anyways, I am in Nebraska. All dreams have officially came true. I am living with my aunt, cousin and uncle. I am gaining a relationship with family that I never really knew! This situation couldn't be better! Anyways, I am working and spending as much time with family and friends as much as possible!

Although, I say that Im sitting on the couch watching "New Girl" on Netflix by myself because my aunt and uncle went camping and my cousin, Madi, is working. It feels really good to be happy and living, practically, on my own.

I hope I updated enough. Let me know any questions:)

Love, Megan