Monday, June 23, 2014

Money Issues

So I know this generation theres not a lot of "Money Smart" People. Especially young adults in college. Well I am (hopefully) here to save the day. I have gotten a lot of people who tell me that I am really smart with my money (and others who say the opposite;)) So I am here to tell you how I manage my money but I must go over some disclaimers before I start:

1. I have a part time job so money is constantly coming in.
2. I am not a professional, I have no idea if these ideas actually work. These are just my opinions and my system that has worked for me.
3. I am not being sponsored by any of these links.

So, what I do is I collect about 6 of these envelopes and a couple of Colorful Post It Notes. I decide what I spend money on each month and usually put enough money in there for 3 months or more depending on the category:
-Food ($500)
-Starbucks ($1000)
-Dorm ($200)
-Phone ($200)
-Car ($1000)
-Gas ($120)
I plan way ahead just in case something happens (My car completely breaks down, My phone breaks, Etc.)

Then, I fill those envelopes up.
Each paycheck I get I refill each envelope (if I used any of it from the last fill up) and then I try and fill another envelope and then I usually keep $200 on my card for anything not in the categories. When I fill the envelope I write Done with a box next to it and I check the box (Just because it makes me feel accomplished)Throughout the month, if I know Im going to go and spend money I grab out of my envelopes.

I really hope this helps you guys!

If you have any questions please let me know.
Love, Megan

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wow. Its been so long. Im here to update and save the day!!

I am officially in Nebraska. Most of you guys reading this are friends and family so you all know what happened. If not, go stalk my facebook and that will surely tell you:)

Anyways, I am in Nebraska. All dreams have officially came true. I am living with my aunt, cousin and uncle. I am gaining a relationship with family that I never really knew! This situation couldn't be better! Anyways, I am working and spending as much time with family and friends as much as possible!

Although, I say that Im sitting on the couch watching "New Girl" on Netflix by myself because my aunt and uncle went camping and my cousin, Madi, is working. It feels really good to be happy and living, practically, on my own.

I hope I updated enough. Let me know any questions:)

Love, Megan

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kearney Update

So today, I ran by my high school (CVHS) to check out if there are any days to take the SAT/ACT. There arent. I can only take it between September and June. So I called UNK and they said that they will set up a date to take it out there. So, I went by UPS and picked up 2 boxes so I can mail off stuff that I dont need until then (bedding and stuff) I will be living with my Aunt Stacy and her family until school starts. I will update you guys when I know what day I leave. Stay tuned. Love, Megan
Ahh Home Sweet Home. But not for long. Im here to update what happpened yesterday and then the next update will Be a "Kearney Update". So yesterday we drove from our motel to Mom's God Mom's (Nelda) house to see her. It was bitter sweet. All she could say s "I love to play in texas." Over and Over again. But you could tell her expression if you told her something. Then I showed her a picture of my nephew and I said his name and she repeated it, so that was really sweet. Then after that, we went to Ted Montanas Grill. It was so good! I had a salad and baked potato soup. Yuummmm!!! We left from there and went to meet with Nelda's daughter. I went shopping in the meantime while they had there "Adult Time". I found a new store that I like called "Charrolette Rousse". They have the prettiest stuff. Of course, I had to do my Bath and Body Works run:). After that, we went to the Airport and headed home. Stay tuned for the next update.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Aunt Janice and Cousin Tim

Yesterday was a little boring but it was still an adventure. We picked up my Aunt Janice in Lewellen and went to church. The church only had a dozen people in it, maybe less. Then, we left church and ate lunch and went to Oshkosh (where my mom grew up). We visited my grandpas house and went to the cemetary where my grandpa and grandma are buried. That was rough because the last time I saw him I thought forsure I was going to see him. He was supposed to go to my graduation. It made me cry like a baby but I know in spirit he was there. Then, we sat at a gas station and had a nice conversation with Aunt Janice and my cousin Tim. We left from the gas station in Oshkosh, NE to Cheyenne WY (about a 3 hour drive). We finally got to go swimming, finally. And stayed at a nice hotel and just got Pizza Hut delivered. It was such a nice night. Im sitting in the Air port right now. Tommorows update will be a crazy one. Love, Megan.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Well yesterday was a lot of fun. We woke up from Carol's and left to Arnold, NE for the Motorcycle race. Lots of loud, stinky bikes but I did get a new dress out of it. I absolutely LOVE little boutiques. I find the cutest things there. Im trying to change my style to just dresses/skirts. Something about wearing a dress always makes me feel beautiful. Anybody know any boutiques in Southern California or near Kearney Nebraska? Anyways, When I get home, I am planning on putting together a very long picture post, so I look forward to sharing my trip with you lovelies. After the motorcycle rally, we went to Ogallala and toured down there for a little while. We ate at Front Street Steak house (reviews of all of the restaurants will be up once I get home). Then we went out for ice cream and then went back to the motel, and the rest is history;) Thank you guys for keeping up with this. I hear so many people tell me that they read it and it just makes me blush:) Love, Megan

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Yesterday, we drove for an hour from Kearney to Broken Bow, NE. We stopped downtown so Dad can visit his friend that is a insurance seller. Mom and I ended up at the coffee shop across the street. It was so neat. It was one of those places where you dont notice when you drive by but its so beautiful on the inside. Then, we drove up to my Aunts house and sat and talked to her. Her husband showed up about an hour later and we got ready to go see the horses. We loaded up in the back of the truck with my cousin Chelle, her husband, My aunt Carol and her husband John and of course Mom and Dad. John has 3 places where she keeps her horses and then we saw there church and an old gas station and just drove around. It was so much fun! We got home and relaxed a little and then my cousin Chelle and her husband went to the carnival and rode all of the rides except for "The Zipper". Cousin Chelle was scared to go on that one so the next time we go to a carnival I will always think of Cousin Chelle:) (Hi Chelle!:)) Then we went to bed. Blessed day yesterday!! Love, Megan